There was an article posted on http://www.cnnmoney.com/ on March 17, 2010 written by Parija Kavilanz which focused on the medicaid issue faced by a pediatric practice in Georgia. A doctor had to refer a child to a pediatric orthopedic surgeon who would take Medicaid. The process took a long time and the injury healed on its own.
The Medicaid problem is causing doctors from taking new patients or dropping them. The reinbursement payments are low so businesses have closed. As a result, doctors are viewing more patients. Staff and doctors at this practice were laid off due to low income who are immigrants and refugee who have special needs.
For comparison, Medicaid payments are lower than Medicare. Medicare charges $100 for an elderly person's visit. Doctors are reinbursed $76, but if a child on Medicaid has the same illness the reinbursement is $50. There are differences between the two. Medicare rates are set by Congress and Medicaid allows the state to pay whatever they want. Doctors are concerned the budget crisis will cause more reinbursement cuts. I can relate with this article, when one of my patients was unable to locate a dermatologist for her daughter with Medicaid in New York City.
This brings up the controversey of healthcare reform. What concerns me are the penalties for people who do not get medical coverage both individually and for business owners. What if someone is not able to manage the financial responsibilities? I do not agree with this proposal. I favor how the managed care companies will not be able to discontinue coverage for someone with a pre-existing condition. At least this action will save many lives.